To the casual observer, these pictures appear to be cute huskies being lazy. But to me I see evidence of my shameful secret. Notice the undisturbed stuffed animals, books, and even a live gecko. Also notice that there are actually 2 different couches.
Hi, I'm Turbo the Sibe and I'm not destructive. There, I've said it! I have never enjoyed ripping stuffed animals to shreds. Or couches. Or pillows. Or comforters. Lex, Meepie, Fargo, and Aurora have all participated in chaos and destruction.
Let me address the couch first. If you look in the previous entry with Meepie's head sticking out in the couch you will see that that couch is different than the 2 in this entry. Yep, that couch fell victim to husky destruction via Lex, Meepie, and Fargo. The replacement couch is the one on the left in this entry. It is also departed due to the handy work of L, M, & F.

Fargo also likes to remove carpet and linoleum, but he's not done this for a few years.
Lex once removed a huge hunk of drywall.
Meepie has killed feather pillows, phone books, and many stuffed animals.
Aurora loves sinking her teeth into a nice fluffy comforter.
Niki hasn't shown any tendencies in this area yet.
But I ask "WHY AM I CRATED WHEN THE HUMAN LEAVES????" The photo below was a "set up." The Human placed this stuffie in front of me to get a cute picture of the puppy chewing on something. The only thing I enjoy destroying is toilet paper tubes, but Aurora tries to steal them so I can't even enjoy that!