TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Friday, March 10, 2006

Just 'cause I'm Not Eating It, Doesn't Mean It's Not Mine!

My Human bought some new dog biscuits: Biscuits - Natural Choice Tartar Control. I mentioned in an earlier post that I really don't see the sense in hard biscuits. Where's my Cheez-Its and Banana Chips??????

The Human gave each of us one of these new biscuits. Here's the review: Lex loved it (he'll eat anything). Aurora loved it (she's never turned down food). Niki liked it. Meepie thought it was "okay." Fargo ignored it for a while, but he ate it. I didn't like it and I didn't eat it!

Below is a photo of me and the biscuit. Ultimately Aurora tricked me into leaving it so that Meepie could eat it.


IndyPindy said...

You are absolutely right. Even if you don't want to eat it, that does not mean that other dogs have the right to eat it.

And don't lower your standards - humans will try to give us all kinds of "good for you" treats, but if it's not up to your standards, don't eat it!

IndyPindy said...

But banana chips (which I looooooove) are nice and crunchy!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

My buddy Fargo is particularly good at getting the Human to give him special treats. He can play her like a fine violin!

Anonymous said...

My dog friend Luma always takes the biscuits I leave under the sofa to eat later! That's NOT FAIR, really!!! I agree with you!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

There seems to be a code of ethics missing amongst us dogs!

Woofwoof said...

Biscuits with Tartar Control? That's like spinach and liver to kids. "Good for you" food that tastes yucky. Tell your people you will have none of it unless they put Cheez-It or peanut butter on the biscuits.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I hear you, Woof Woof. My Human has no problem putting seasoning on her own food. She should show a little consideration towards us!