We were rudely awoken by a ruckus this morning. Last night our Human moved the refrigerator away from the wall. Our ice cube maker seems to be having a problem. Well, when the fridge was moved, Aurora found a dead mouse underneath it. She ran off with it and kept it all night long.
Eventually we all fell asleep. Niki woke us up yelling at us at 4:45am. (She's been

doing this for quite a few days.) That got my Human up to let us go out. Aurora thought that Niki wanted her dried up mouse and clobbered her. My Human got Roo Roo away from Niki, but then Meepie decided to lend assistence to the cause and started applying his own brand of justice to Niki.
Well, the grey ones' squabble ended without any damage being done and we got to run around outside for a while.
We went back to sleep for about another hour.
Thos gray ones can be odd. Once I was playing with this girl named Raisa and we were having fun. Suddently she tried to take a bite out of me! What a wierdo!
I bet the mousie was a great toy!
Yes, we red ones are the best! (Better hide now!)
Psst, Turbo, there is no such thing as one mouse. There must be a family of 200 living behind the fridge. Organize a husky hunt, and surprise the human by leaving the ones you catch on her bed. Just watch her reaction. I am sure it'll be "priceless."
That does sound fun! We once found one "swimming" in the toilet in the middle of the night.
A mouse swimming in your drink? The nerve.
I know! It was already dead when I got there.
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