He wanted to tell you a little about himself so hhheeerrreeesss FFFaaarrrgggooo!!!
Aaaarrrrrooooo!!!!!!! Fargo, here! My human has said (in my presence, no less) that I am her best behaved dog in public, but a crazy dog at home. Yeah? So what! Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? In public I am Mr. Calm, Cool, & Collected. I am very obedient. But at home, I need to be the center of attention. If I'm ignored, I'll yell "Ha!" in that person/dog's ear. Or maybe I'll grab a hind leg or a hand. Maybe even a butt. WATCH OUT!!!!I have something that no one else in my house has. I have earned my Canine Good Citizen certificate. My Human and I also tried to get the Therapy Dog International certificate, but they pulled a fast one on me. Some nice woman threw these treats on the floor in front of me as we walked by. I figured, "Hey, free food." So I grabbed one. For some reason my Human didn't get one, too. They disqualified me for that!
I hate being ignored. Once when we were out for a walk, some guy didn't even look at me! Can you believe that? So I just stopped walking and turned and tried to stare him down.
When I was still in school, we canines were in a 5 minute down/stay. It was very boring, so I tried to entice the other dogs into breaking their stay. I remained in a down/stay, but I whisper barked, "Ha!" in their direction.
Watch out or Fargo will steal all of the attention! But then again, it's better that Fargo is the "clown " and not you, you seem to be so smart with your Canine Good Citizen certificate, and your almost having a Therapy Dog Certificate! That was tricky of that seemingly nice woman to give you those treats and then disqualify you for eating what she gave you! I will never figure out some humans!
By the way, is that first picture of Fargo? Did Fargo use to have a mask too?
Hi Ender. Yes, the red dog in both the photos is my friend Fargo. He still has his mask.
The second photo is of Fargo telling Lex a joke that he didn't understand.
Every husky I know is a comedian, or a joker, or a wise guy, heh?
Humans don't always appreciate our humor, though.
Well, Large Oh, I need you lived with a butthole back home, so I wanted you to feel at home when you visited.
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