My Human brought a stupid thing to the house that makes noise. She hooked it up to that stupid TV that Humans seem to like so much. The thing my Human brought home makes noise in 6 different places. I was reading the instructions and one of the boxes is called a "Sub Woofer." Is this supposed to be a substitute dog?
That is sooo funny.
Thanks! Why get a sub woofer when you have 6 real woofers?
Over here I howl whenever they play that thing. I can be louder and hit higher notes.
Ahh yes, humans and their toys! Don't they know that real woofers CAN'T be replaced...will they ever learn...and they say sometimes that we are the dumb ones;)
Well, you could read sub woofer from the positive side: sub- That is, a woofer which is 'under' or less important than any other woofer? A SUBaltern dog? If you see like this, you are the Capitain and can give orders to it... ;)
Hey Turbo -
My big brother Sherlock didn't like that thing either..... now Mom just complains about the yellow stuff on it..... if we can get it, it's fair game!
WooferWoofer: I think you're right.
Ender: They should be spending the money they spend on toys on us!
Raisa: I've tried bossing the subwoofer around, but it just stays in one spot.
Sibe's mom: You and Sherlock have the right idea.
We have one of those things at our house. Sometimes it sounds like ther was a wierd noise on one side of the room and I run over to check it out and my humans laugh and say it was the TV. Well, the noise didn't come from the TV!
Hey - why do you have your head in that other Husky's butt? Doesn't it smell?
Indy, I prefer to ask why that husky put his butt in my face while I as sleeping.
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