Meepie (aka Dr. Misha Meepenstein) is the self-proclaimed boss at our home. He will take someone else's possession just because he can. The picture on the left is Misha with a stuffed squirrel that had once belonged to Lex. Meep will take the item and keep it in his mouth or between his front

paws and glare at the rest of us. Oh, that Meepie is big on glaring!
He will use any means necessary to intimidate others. Notice his tongue display towards our guest Izzy on the right. But I know how to get under his skin. I can just stare at Meepie and maybe stomp my foot. That'll agitate Meepie, and he'll hop off the couch and yell at me. I can usually get up on the couch then.
How can he be the Boss? He doesn't even have a blog.
Ssshhhh! Don't give him any ideas!
Misha might think he is the boss, but we all really know it's you, Tubey!
(Yikes! I almost posted under my secret identity!)
Yes, that is true, but things go smoother if Misha doesn't know that.
hey hey turbo! sounds like even if meepie thinks he is bigger and badder you are still smarter and we all know that smarts is what counts!
I am smarter, but he is stronger.
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