My Human still thinks it's too cool to put out our pool. It's getting warmer, though. She has a couple days off this week, so she may put it out soon. We love getting in the pool, then digging, then running into the house. Then we'll hop on the bed. My Human likes putting a plain/solid sheet on the bed, but we like adding patterns to it.
You'll notice in this old photo that Meepie is standing in the pool, but poor unfortunate me is watching from the inside of the house.
It looks as if you could come crashing through that window at any moment! My pool is not out yet either, I have some 2 legged couisins coming in july, so mom said I might have to wait till then :( Maybe if I'm good she will bring it out sooner because I love the pool!
I love the pool, too. Meepie really loves swimming. He once tried to swim in a pond out to some stupid geese to "play" with them. But the stupid geese flew away.
Well, I hear there's an opening for a grant writer at a certain zoo!
Oooo, I forgot to say, that when you add patterns to the sheet, it's something the humans call finger painting!
My huskies would rebel if I didn't put the pool out for them til June or July! And by "rebel" I mean "attempt to swim in the water bowl until there's nothing left to drink."
In other news, I can't bring my Tashi girl to my best friend's house, even though she has a *magnificent* big yard for running around in, because the yard features a koi pond that Tashi will not stay out of. I don't even think she knows there are fish in there, but that's no consolation to the fish, who at this point probably have started a religion based on fear/worship of the Giant Black-And-White Creature With No Fins whose fearsome wrath incites the occasional violent waterquake.
Heh, I can just see a Farside type cartoon featuring Koi and a Sibe!
Pond = Pool, 'nuf said.
We also have a sewage lagoon. I think that would be fun to explore.
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