One of the areas that we like to run around in has some really tall grass growing in it. It's fun to hang out there and sometimes we can find mice, turtles, and other interesting things. There's also some ticks that live there. I

don't like them at all! There are few things worse than having a tick stuck somewhere that you can't reach. Lex once had a tick stuck on his tongue when he was a puppy. My Human had to take him to the vet 'cause she couldn't figure out how to get it off of him.

My good friend Fargo's fluff is different than mine. He suspects that he is probably at least half Alaskan Malamute. His tail is curlier and he has a deeper voice. He's still a good guy, though.
Wow, Fargo is FLUFFY! And blowing his coat in that picture!
If you know someone who needs some extra fluff, let me know where to send it.
I heard that story about you. And some other ones too!
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