Meepie and Fargo have been giving me the grumble treatment. For some stupid reason they've been giving me attitude when I stare at them, stomp my foot, or get too close. Fargo in particular is grumbling when I try to lick his ears or his face. In the words of Mr. Dangerfield, "I get no respect!"

And that Niki...She's been hiding and yelling at us to try to scare us. We are aware of how sharp her teeth are, so we jump when she yells "BOO!" Last night Meepie and Roo Roo both lectured her on how improper her behavior is. Hopefully she won't yell at us during the night. I need my beauty sleep!
For a change I don't have any complaints about Lex. I haven't had to tell him that he was stupid at all yesterday or today (so far).
Well, the day just started...let us know if you make it the whole day without telling Lez that he is stupid.
Wow, Niki is REALLY blowing her coat! And Lex looks...really chubby! But still cute, in an odd way...
STOP THAT! Lex is stupid, not cute!
Gee, thanks, Indy!
Tell Lex not to worry...the camera adds 10 lbs for dogs too!
So, how many cameras are ON Lex in that picture???
Hey, I tried to go to Lex's blog and it said URL not found.
Ender, thanks! You're right.
Indy, I don't have a blog now. I just wanted to have the option to post comments.
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