After my Human got home, she let us run around in the big field and swim in our pool if we so chose. Lex and Niki didn't really like running around, but the rest of us did. At first we had a race. Roo Roo was the champion of that. She wanted me to show you the above photos of her winning the race. (And the below picture is Niki & Lex retreating to the house.)

There are few things happier than huskies running!

We didn't find any animals in the field, but Fargo said there was a mole or something under ground. He tried to dig it up, but it didn't stick around.

Gosh, Mr. Turbo...er...Tubey? It's ok for me to call you "Tubey"? Well, if you're ok with it, who am I to argue! I'd love to come swim in your pool. Thank you for the invitation. Mom says to ask you if that line ever worked for you before? What is she talking about?
Anyway....um...(ahem...coff coff)..."Wooooooo...ooo!" backatcha. Whew. There. I did it. I'm used to just "Woo hoo" in Yorkie language. Did I sound big? Did I? Did I??
Oh, I'm SOOOO nervous. Got butterflies in my tummy. Been chewing on computer cables already this morning, and was just about to swallow a dried gazania blossom when it was plucked from my mouth.
Aaaarrgh. Well, hope you're holding up well. Of course you are. Huskies are tough guys...standing tall. Big wavy tails. I wish I had a tail like yours. Mom says I'm talking too much again. I tend to do that when I get nervous.
I'm going to post this to your blog, too! Just in case you don't get back to see my response.
Have a great day.
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Wooooo! You can even run around in the big field. I have a lot of stuff you can destroy, too!
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