"I don't wanna scare you or anything, but I've seen that SAME THING here at our house! You don't think they roam the country tormenting Sibes, do you? I don't LIKE that thing - it yells real loud. I can't understand what it's saying, either - I don't speak Dyson. I should ask Storm. She knows some foreign languages -- she even speaks cat. Anyway - here's a pic of one trying to attack Zimmie! Can you believe that?!!?"

Dave continued: "The vacuum we had before the Orecks and the Dyson had a light on it. We thought it was a fire-breathing dragon. Zim killed it. He slayed it. Here's a pic of the Z-man in action. He's such a cool little brother."

I think we all need to be concerned!
Here in my house this thing is named 'Eletrolux'... It is very scary really. First I tried to be friend of that thing... But then it started to steal rest of meal I left on the floor to eat later, and it even tried to take all of my fur off!
Yes, yes! It's a greedy meal stealer!
We have one called a Roomba that runs around all by itself. Sometimes if we're not watching it comes up behind us and hits us! It's just a mean old thing and I'd bite it if I wasn't so scared of it. So, nope, not just Sibes - they are after us Eskies too!
Wow! It runs around by itself? This is more serious than I imagined.
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