And then my Human didn't take the time to play with us and let us watch that stupid TV before she left for her stupid job!
I could have woken her up sooner to make that stupid thing shut up, but I was in my box. All because of that stupid Lex, of course!!

Hey Turbo, lookie at what I found...They even make toys named after you!
I AM my parens alarm!
Thanks, Ender. That's really cool!
I thought your human got to stay home for a while!
My dad doesn't have to go to work today, but I still wanted him to wake up when mom did. So when mom was in the shower I got on the bed and stood over dad. He didn't wake up, so I drooled on him. THAT woke him up!
No, my Human's vacation doesn't start until two Saturdays from now. This week she's working long hours 'cause her co-worker is on vacation. She's in a business with 2 employees.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. YO MAMA!!!!
Don't Yo-Mama her. She might head-butt you.
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