According to their website:
Dieruff's mascot, the Husky, was named Kiska in 1959 in order to honor the dog and ten men of the American Naval Weather Detachment who were captured by the Japanese on Kiska Island in 1942. Today, Kiska IV is eight years old and reside with retired instructors from DHS. At the May 2005 Kiska Dance, student raised money in order to care for a feed Kiska this year. The dog makes appearances at every important high school event or activity, and is much loved by Dieruff students, past and present.
And, the huskies of Adopt-A-Husky have stopped by this school to give their support! The students of this school give a lot of help to Adopt A Husky.
(Some of the students at my Human's alma mater helped save some stupid tigers. They should have been helping the huskies, too!)
Hey Turbo,
Sorry I havent been around for a while, Dad's been hoging the computer again:-)
Just stopped in to say hi and see what you are up to.
Now that the school year is starting again, there are more husky mascots around. The Washington Huskies won their football season opener yesterday.
I hope all the husky teams win every game and meet in a big husky bowl!
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