I'm hoping that my Human buys be a big letter "A" to jump through. Or any other letter with a hole in it, for that matter.
I wanted to find out how their football team is doing, but I wasn't successful. I did find the radio station that broadcasts the Huskies' games. Fargo and Roo Roo were wondering if the "Voice of the Huskies" might need a couple additional vocal huskies in their pack.

Hi Turbo!
I don't know if you take nominations for Husky logos, but here's one:
Hey Tubey,
You have been nominated for "Photo of the Month" over at the D.W.B Bone Zone
Head on over and cast your vote - and tell all your friends too :-)
Dakota, sure! look for it next week.
Opy, Cool! Thanks!
Hey Tubey,
My dad is not happy right now. The Corn Boys don't look very good. Yes, they're suppose to loose, but not look like poop!
Right now your big C-A-T-S look good but it is close. Good luck!
My Human was in Marching Mizzou in 1985. That cat team won only 1 game. That year they lost to the Corn Boys by a score of something like 54 to 0.
My Human lived in Lincoln, NE in the early 90's, but she didn't go to any games.
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