We are always excited when my Human gets home from her stupid job. We run in and out of the house. My Human lets us jump on the furniture. So for several minutes after her arrival, we have complete husky pandemonium at our house. It's so cool!!!

And then we rest for a while.

That ritual seems oddly familiar.
We've been banished from jumping on the bed and playing Queen of the bed though. Apparently there's something wrong with one of the air mattresses, and they're blaming us for that.
Wow you huskees are working dogs!
Bussie Kissies
That is exactly what we do when our lady gets home (after properly mauling her of course)! It's good to be Husky!
Meeshka, it's very stupid of your humans to blame you!
Buster, yes. We work very, very hard!
M&M, you're so right!
That's a sweet picture of you (or is it Fargo) jumping up on the bed. Dad always complains that his digital camera is too slow to catch any action shots. Your mom must have a fancy "Turbo" speed camera.
Wow, that is so cool! I get the zoomies, but it's hard to have Husky pandemonium with just one Husky.
Althea, yep. That's me, the Tube Wolf doing the leaping!
Indy, we could come over to help out with the zoomies sometime.
We do zoomies too when Mom gets home but ours are a little closer to the ground.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Woh, you guys can really leap. :)
~ fufu
Dear Turbo,
Perhaps you have not noticed, but I am a BOY!. It may have been a typo the other day on Ivy's blog where you referred to me as a "she" in your comment. I just wanted to make sure that you know I'm a BOY!.
Dachsies, yeah, we have more clearance than you guys.
Fufu, yep. Airborne huskies!
Indy, so does that mean that the 6 of us can't come over and zoom around in your house?
Wow, Tubey! That looks like great fun! We do that here when we come in from a walk! And we avoid all furniture except for the bed. Sometimes I spring off the ottoman, though.
Amber said she thought PANDA-monium was only for black and white Sibes? Ha roo roo roo. Funny, huh? Well, run it by Fargo, anyway.
Play bows,
You guys can still come over and zoom around - just remember I'm a BOY!
Yes, jumping and leaping, running around and talking. All of that is so, well, Husky. You guys look like you are having a great time!!
Zim, Fargo said that Amber is funny!
Indy, sorry about that, sir. You were having a bad identity day that day!
D'Azulians, it was a blast!
wow! you must knock over your mom when she comes home!!!! i don't get that crazy, but i'm always happy!
Well, Ranger. There's a lot of us so we make a big impact.
wowww. looks like so much fun out there. u guys lucky!
Yes, we have a good time. Come on over!
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