My Human read about Meeshka's human woman putting a shirt on her when it was storming. This allegedly helps to calm dogs down in storms...or something stupid like that. So, my Human decided that I needed to wear a shirt. She thought that it might make me not yell at Lex that he was being stupid.
Okay, first of all the stupid t-shirt was ORANGE!!! This is NOT a good color for me!!!!!!!!! Then Lex laughed at me, so that ticked me off. And, yes, I still yelled at Lex that he was being stupid!
And my Human is being stupid, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, Tubey, ORANGE you glad it's not raining right now in Missouri?
Yeah...you can tell just how happy I am in this stupid photo!
Hey Tubey,
Amber thinks you look cute but unhappy in that photo. In my professional opinion ... orange just isn't your color. No offense. Mom's a redhead and I don't think she should wear orange either.
Dave, Guide Dog for the Color Blind
Orange is a stupid color for red heads! And my Human carefully looked in her t-shirt closet and chose the stupid orange shirt!
Poor Tubey :-( Humans are VERY stupid indeed ! But I still love ya !
Thanks, Opy. That helps. It really does!
Thanks. That's always good to hear!
Psssst...Tubey, I'll let you in on a secret. Ask to go out while wearing the shirt. Pee. The front of the shirt will be soaked with pee. Then your human will realize that making a dog wear a t shirt is impractical!
Worked for me!
Peeing is always a good idea.
Ok, first of all, yes, the color is definitely NOT your color. At least the human woman is a red head (like me) and doesn't own anything that vile color. Secondly, it works for storms, not to keep you from yelling at your stupid step brother because he's stupid. I think you have to wear a tiara to stop that.
Thirdly, its not even your size! It has to be stylish and form fitting, flattering your curves and not too tight in the neck.
These humans know NOTHING about husky fashion!
Hi Turbo, I think orange is not your color and the tee is too big. You look nice by yourself already with the fur..
~ fufu
wow turby there sure was a lot of stupid going on there hey...my mom makes me wear costumes ...but so far i have been pretty luck and not had to wear a shirt...(oh but there was that one embarassing incident with the bra)..anyhow i think you look pretty darn good nomatter what you wear....
Meeshka, where do I get a tiara? Does a crown also work. I don't want to shut up, per se, but I would like a crown.
Fufu, does your human have any really small shirts for you to wear?
MJ, so far this stupid shirt was the only thing my Human's made me wear!
That shirt is not very pirate like either. I say grab a hunk of it and let er rip matey.
I agree with Meeshka--definitely a tiara (though Lex and the human might still be stupid--but you'll look dashing)
Shhheeesh! What will they think of next...no, I don't want to know! Shes just giving you something you can pee on, after you take it off of course!
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