Some time ago while I was looking for stuff on the internet to discuss I came across a blog written by Mary Ann Davidson, the Chief Security Officer of Oracle. In the August 4, 2006 entry, she discusses her Siberian husky Thunder. She compares some her employees to various dog breeds. Of course she values her employees that most remind her of Siberian huskies.
In closing, here's a photo of Roo Roo and I at home.

You and Roo Roo seem contented lounging at home. I do that at times too, but I can no longer jump (too old) onto the sofa.
Pretty cool article. I hope she meant her dog weighs 55 pounds, though, not 155! That'd be one BIG husky!!!!!
Tail wags, Storm
U and Roo look great, were U watching TV? I like TV.
So, what's in the tank behind the it something yummy?!
Jay, You should have your Humans build you a ramp.
Storm, I think she probably did mean 55. But I wanted to send her an e-mail and ask.
Eddie, we were watching tv, but it was in front of the couch. We turned our heads 'cause there was a stupid noisy bird outside!
Ender, there is a gecko in the tank, but it's stupid and doesn't do anything. I don't know how it tastes. YET!
A gecko? Is it the one on all of the commercials?
Play bows, Zim
PS: Dave said he heard they taste like chicken. I don't know where he got that.
Zim & Dave,
Please see my entry from 07-April-2006.
Ha rooo!
Play bows, Zim
We thought it looked like you saw something either tasty or annoying too.
Hm. My comment didn't seem to "take" so let me try again.
I read the Oracle blog on huskies. I am impressed! Could I be an honorary husky?
Consider yourself "huskified!"
wow cool! i want to be huskified too! does that mean i get to be willful and tell my peepol ware to get off!?
Yes, Ivy. I'm huskifying you, too!
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