Go check out the D'Azul blog today. There's a new picture of my nephew, Eddie!
To summarize just about every blog: HUMANS ARE STUPID!!! I don't even think I need to give examples because Meeshka, Charlie, Dusty Doodles, and many, many others have excellent examples!
Switching gears...the stupid weather is supposed to get hotter again! It's probably gonna be over 90°F this week! I don't want that!!! I hope all the Kansas dogs are okay. I saw on the news that it was over 90°F yesterday!
Finally...Is synchronized sleeping a sport?

now that we are in TX I see why everyone was telling us "it is going to be hot down there" yesterday one place said that it was 95 out there! It's OCTOBER for howling out loud! the leaves are supposed to statr falling off!
Tubes, it was STINKIN' hot here yesterday! It made that afternoon forced road march mom and dad took us on a real challenge! It's supposed to be like that for a week or more. Cat-gone it, I don't like the heat! And how are we supposed to get our nice, thick coats goin'? I liked that cold snap we had a few weeks ago!
Play bows,
oh...and as for your new sport...I smell gold medal!
Have I mentioned that hot weather is stupid?!
Well, Turbo, right here in central Virginia, it'll be cooler today and tomorrow (in the 70s). But in the middle of the week, it will be warmer. Hey, it must be indian summer.
Sposed to be in the upper 80's here all week too, the lady BETTER GET OUR POOL BACK OUT, WOOOOOOOOO!
Hi Turbo, you guys look so cute synchronized sleeping. It's hot here in Singapore too. I hope we get cooler weather soon......
~ fufu
Hey Unkey Tubey, thanks for mentioning me. I am so proud.
Thanks Eddie!
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