
My Human told me that she's going to be really busy from this Friday until the stupid election is over. She works for a company that will be supplying humans to be annoying and call up other humans to persuade them to vote for candidates of a certain party.
Politics are stupid.
Politicians are stupid.
Annoying phone calls are stupid.
If I was running for some stupid political office, this would be my slogan...
You would have my vote.
Thanks, Magnum!
I think a team of Turbo and Magnum would be an amazing force!
Good Morning! I'm so glad you're back!!
Thanks, Tierre. Sometimes my Human's stupid job gets in the way of my blogging!
You're welcome, Tubey.
GREAT slogan Turbo & we totaly agree! T-Wolf for president!!!!
I love your slogan! It's so absolutely perfectly true!
My mom and dad are sick to death, of all the political commercials and mud slinging. They mute the TV and radio every time one of those adds comes on. They will certainly be happy when it is all over.
If you were running, I know you would win. You have all of us bloggers that would most certainly vote for you cuz you're honest, and very handsome!
I'd vote for you for sure!
Mama's getting more sick of the politic ads this year than normal. Our local news in Virginny comes from that DC place, so we get to see the ads for TWO states, Virginny and Maryland. We gets TWICE the ads, and mama hardly ever turns on the tv anymore she's so sick of it all.
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