We killed another stupid no-possum that was stupid enough to wander into our yard! I'm not saying who killed it, but I'll say that it definitely wasn't Lex. He was inside the house whining at the time.
But then my Human let that stupid Lex out and she discovered our treasure. So my Human tried to get rid of it, but that stupid Lex ran off with it. He's stupid, that Lex. My Human got the dead no-possum away from him and threw it away.
It's the wrong season for opossum jerky, but you should bake it in the sun for several days until it's dry and chewy. Delicious like beef jerky, but with only half the cholesterol and no trans fat. Since it's winter, ask your human to keep it in the freezer for now, and you can turn it into jerky during the summer. Merry Christmas!
That's a good idea. But I'm concerned it won't be well received. I think I'm just going to send it to you as a gift!
Merry Christmas Turbo, to you and yours!
love from Marvin and Jeannie xxxxx
ooo! a dead no-possum! the gift that keeps on giving! mmmmmmmmm
Thanks, Marvin. Same to you and Jeannie.
Ivy, I don't understand why my Human didn't see if that way.
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