Okay, what if we brought one of those stupid vitreous china raised drinking bowls into our house and then didn't let the humans use it? I think they'd be really angry!
And another thing...what do those trees have to do with Christmas? Why don't they bring trees inside for Arbor Day?
My Human has said that she's never going to get us a house tree! I think she's very selfish!
I don't think I'll ever understand humans!

Wow Tubey,
EXCELLENT pouting! Your human is sure to give in if you all pout like that!
That's what I'm hoping!
Well, we are going to my grandparents this year, and they will have a tree. My parents keep saying...please please don't pee on the tree. I'm gonna make them bribe me!
Bribes are good and often delicious!
awwww poor turbo! i luv my house tree. even though i dont pee on it i just like that it looks like the backyard in my house!
Our tree goes in the screened in back patio - ever since mom blew up a vaccuum cleaner getting pine needles out of the house carpet one year!
I love the pine smell.
Bussie Kissies
Ivy, we like bringing limbs, leaves, and dirt inside, so it often is like the yard in the house also!
Buster, I bet that when the vacuum cleaner blew up it was a delightful mess!
Tubey, our human put up a tree last year, for the first time in quite a while. It didn't smell nice and piney though cuz apparently it was fake. Now, what's the point of a fake tree??
Best part was, one of the boys peed on it anyway. hehehe! Mom was not happy! Too bad there weren't any of those paper wrapped boxes under there, that would have been a bonus!
She hasn't put it up yet this year, she may be trying to decide if it is a good idea or not!
Holly, I think a house tree is always a great idea!
Hee hee hee,
do you think the humans use the vitreous china raised drinking bowls when they go, ummmm, bowling?
And yeah, good look there (You)Tubey.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
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