So we got about 18 inches of delightful, powdery snow!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! My Human isn't going to work for at least a few more hours. The humans have decided to shut down the Interstate that my Human has to travel on. I think that humans are stupid to let a little thing like snow impede their mobility.
But I don't really care, because my Human is home, and we can all play in the snow!

Dear Tubey,
I am SO happy for roo guys! I love snow and wish we had some! The Weather People kept saying we would, but I knew they were wrong... so none of us counted on any. Remember my mom told your biped I said, "No snow"? But the Weather People said, "Snow!" I don't want to sound less-than-humble, but guess who was right? I really wish they had been..... because I LOVE snow! Oh well. Have tons of fun playing in it, OK?
I'm inviting everyone to come over here and play. The more the merrier!!!!
Weather people are stupid and have no common sense!
Hey Turbo, it's me, Hamish, Pippin's little brother (she's indisposed at the moment so I took the opportunity to get on the computer).
Yahoo that y'all got snow. the weather people said two days ago that we'd get 7 inches today and then yesterday they said 2-5 and then this morning it's down to less than 1 inch--but at least it's gotten cold.
You guys look great in the snow--when we had snow last year, I was just a little dup-a-pup, so I'm looking forward to playing in it like a big boy (though not as big as you Sibes). There's a Sibe in my agility class and we are best friends.
Woo, wooo snow. We got nothing but ice, lots and lots of ice. Its no fun. If they open the highway maybe we will come visit and help you play in the snow.
D'Azul Siberians
Whoa!! Cool pictures!
Thanks, Tierre!
Whoa! Awesome pictures of you guys trekking and bounding in the deep snow. I am jealous. Is that a llama in the background? I have never met a llama.
Yes, it is a llama. 2 in fact. You have very good eyesite. The llamas are curious about us, but they won't get very close!
Ok Tubey, now you're just rubbing it in that you got so much nice fluffy snow, and making the rest of us totally green with envy!
I am so totally bummed, I want to cry!
Snow AND llamas to chase... you suck!
Its 70 freakin degrees here!!!!!
(I'm melting, I'm melting, what a world, what a world)
oh the wunderful snow!!! that looks so beautiful and fun to play in. i wish i cud come over to your house to play wif you all!
So......... you have snow and we have none. It was almost 70 degrees here today!!!! I think that the snow fairy needs to get herself together and make it snow for Huskies everywhere!!
Not fair, not fair, not fair!!!!!
An insanely jealous Dakota
Hey Tubey,
That white stuff is a big reason why Mom and Dad left Colorados. SNOW!!! I miss plowin' through it but M & D are happy just to watch you guys run around in it.
That's a lot of snows. Cooools!
Ivy, I wish you could come on over, too!
Dakota, 70 degrees is stupid! Snow for everyhusky!
Freda, I'm glad M&D enjoyed the photos!
What a mess of Sibes! Who dries you guys off when you come in?
Bussie Kissies
Buster, it's not who, but what.
And the answer to what dries us off is the couch, the bed, the floor...
Tubey, my mom won't get me a plane ticket to come visit you! I am SO MAD AT HER!!!!!
Humans are so incredibly selfish!
look at all that white stuff!!!! wow!!! i can't wait till i see that at my house!
Hopefully you won't have to wait long!
WOOHOO Turbo, we got snow too! And they closed our highways & everything so our humans got to stay home also! HaROOOOOOOOO SNOW! Now we know what all the fuss was about, it's GREAT!
I'm glad you got snow too! Snow rocks!!!!
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