Thanks for tagging me Holly, Kelsey & Smokey, and Steve, Kat, & Wilbur. I'll list my wants & unwants at the bottom of this posting.
A long time ago I posted a picture of the dog I was named after. My Human has friends who show Afghan hounds, and they had an Afghan named Turbo. My Human decided to name me after that dog. I think it's a cool name! Below is what he looked like:

I have the nickname of "Tubey" more of less after the mascot of a website my Human spends far too much time visiting called Television Without Pity. Tubey-mascot is shown below:

Now, on with the tag festivities...

- snow
- alone time with my Human
- toilet paper tubes
- Lex to get attention
- my Human to go to work
- hot weather
The Rules:The player of this game starts with "3 things he/she would love to get for Christmas", and then lists "3 things he/she definitely does not want to get for Christmas." Then, he/she tags 5 friends and lists their names. The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And, the one who tags, needs to leave a comment that says, "You've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
I'm tagging Meepie, Roo Roo, Niki, that stupid Lex, and (whynot?) my Human. But they have to switch over to Beta before they can post! (sigh!)
That Tubey mascot looks COOL! But not as cool as you. You should send them your picture and let them use your image. For a fee, of course!
Play bows,
I must say Tubey, you are much more attractive than that Afgan hound OR the TV cartoon Tubey. Not to mention, you are WAY cooler too!
Thanks, Zim & Holly!
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