Next order of business, I was searching through my Human's disks looking for a specific picture of Santa with Lex, Meeps, and Fargo. I couldn't find it. But I did find Trixie Koontz's (whose human is Dean Koontz the author) list of Christmas wants. I'm putting the link here. I'm not totally with her on all her wants (for instance I don't want a Garfield tattoo anywhere). And I would have added cheese and bacon.
BTW, that stupid D. Animal has it's Christmas List posted.
I left D. Animal a comment. All in the spirit of the season and all.
Very cute picture, Tubey!
Play bows,
Hey, I was just stopping by to say Merry Christmas to you guys!
Merry Christmas, Tubey!
Very comprehensive list that Trixie has posted. We are with you on the Garfield thing though. We couldn't decide if we liked #1, 3, 6, 20, or 37 the best. There were a few others we considered, but those made our top 5.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
(We also told stupid D. Animal a thing or two.)
Well, we went and looked at the D.Animal list and snuffed. Hmmm not worthy of comments. But Trixie's list was very long. Congrats on dispatching a no-possum. We had some go-bunnies in our yard last night but allowed them to escape in the spirit of the season and all.
I sure like that picture. It's very cute! It's nice Santa is pictured with a Sibe! You just don't see that enough!
I stopped over at the d-animal site and gave it a warning not to mess you my friend Tubey!!
My human reads Dean Koontz, and she always likes that there is a dog in his books! I think Trixie should remove grapes from her list though since they are very dangerous to dogs! But all the other stuff sounds pretty good....especially the sausage!
Have a Merry Christmas Tubey!!!
Licks and hugs,
Your Malagal friend,
Hi Turbo,
Seasons Greetings and may you have a Food-filled 2007 with lots of fun :D
Hi Turbo,
Seasons greetings and a happy 2007 with lots of food, treats, fun the whole year round :D
Thanks everyone! Merry Christmas
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