Have I mentioned that humans are stupid? Here's three humans who are currently stupid: Rosie O'Donnell, Donald Trump, & Barbara Walters. If they weren't into the publicity angle, I think one of them would just say that the whole feud was stupid and not continue it. Of course by saying this, Donald Trump will probably sue me now.
And why is there now a TV show in the United States called "Ego Trip's (White) Rapper Show" Shouldn't there also be shows called something like "The Next [Insert a different race here]Something or Other?"
By the way, the weather people are declaring that it may ice on Saturday and snow on Sunday. We'll see...We'll see...
And finally, please stop by and say hi to Franki! She's the newest husky blogger. And she's cute, too!
Tubey: Wow, that Franki is CUTE!
Why would someone what to take you apart? Though sometimes Dave looks like he's taking Zim apart....
I could understand "how do I take my Turbo a pie" or "how do I take my Turbo a pizza," but "how do I take my Turbo a-part" does not make sense. A part of what? Maybe the sentence was incomplete.
I haven't seen the EgoTrip show, but I'm getting sick and tired of this Trump/O'Donnell feud!
I don't know if you seen it on the news, but a man bought some Colorado snow on EBay. See my January 10th post for the article.
Tierre (TY-ree)
(the human)
Amber, yeah, she's a real sweetie!
Magnum, I agree. And I would like some pizza!
Tierre, humans spend their money on the stupidest things!
Hi Turbo! Take apart my Turbo? Maybe it was just another stupid human who meant "take apart my turbo-charged something or other" . You never know with humans.
Strange. That's all I can say. Humans are just strange. And stupid of course!
Boy, that Frankie is gonna be a heart breaker. She is such a cutie!
Hi Turbo. My name is Frodo and my Mom is a friend of Meeshka's mom. I just started a blog and wondered if you'd add it for a link so I can meet more huskies interested in HULA? It's at fofoworld.blogspot.com Talk to woo later!
Oh boy, I hope someone is not trying to get you apart. Let us know if you get snow..
~ fufu
Hi Mr Frodo K Banks, I'll stick your link on my page today!
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