I made my Human update each of my blog entries with labels. It was too tedious for me to do myself. So now, for example, if you want to see all of my entries where I mention destruction, all you have to do is search for that term.
Roo Roo said that I haven't featured a picture of her lately, so please see below:

Hey..... that's not Roo Roo! What a bummer!
Play bows,
Uh...wrong photo, Turbo.
Tierre (TY-ree)
(the human)
Where's Roo Roo?? She's so pretty. I'd like to see a picture of Niki too!
And Fargo needs to update his blog. He's still way back in November.
Geesh, you got Malechai all excited, now he's all mopey cause it wasn't really her (which I think is very funny!).
oopsie! Well, that's what I get for trusting my Human with the proofreading!
Is RooRoo wearing a Turbo costume?
Fargo's not the only one, Holly. Lex needs to update his blog, too. He hasn't been posting since last August!
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