TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Tubey Parts


Some other dogs have been posting pictures of their parts. I don't want to be left out of the fun, so here we go!

Tubey Rear, Tubey Middle, & Tubey Front:

Tubey Right Eye & Tubey Left Eye:

Tubey Nose:

Tubey Ear:

Tubey Back Spot:

Tubey Rear Paw:

Tubey Front Paw:

Tubey Butt:

Tubey Tail:

Tubey Smile:


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Har har har! It's a BUTT-erfly

DustyDoodles said...


You have interesting parts. Some of your parts look like Doodles' parts and some don't. I think I might have a fluffier butt then you do!

Hope you had a happy birthday!! I am 4 too!! WOOOWOOO We are the same age!!!! I turn 5 this September!!! WOOWOO Sorry to be late with the b-day wishes!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Doodles, my butt is not super fluffy now. I'm kind of a small wolf anyway!

Same age!!!!

Bruce the Bird Dog said...

I gotta get in on this! What a cute idea!

Khady Lynn said...

Cool parts! I do especially like the fluffy butt too!!

You also have very pretty amber eyes!

I might need to do this too, I will talk to my human about taking some "parts" pictures of me too!


The Brat Pack said...

We might have to borrow this idea too!

You have some pretty cool parts! We like your BUTT-erfly.

Thrawn from The Brat Pack

Fu Fu said...

I like Tubey Nose pic best. :)

~ fufu

Duke said...

I like the Tubey smile the best!

Love ya lots,

The Army of Four said...

Tubey: All of your parts are so cute! I have a white spot on my back, too! After we're done posting puppy pix, we'll have to do this "parts" thing - it's a fun idea!
PS: My mom wants to smooch your nose. She's like that.

Anonymous said...

Tubey - I LOVE your nose and smile!!! The butt is cute too :) I have to get my mom to take some pics of my parts :) Great fun!
Hugs, Sitka

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Thanks everyone for liking my parts!

Ivy said...

i think your smile is the best tube wolf!

Deanna said...

What a cute pink nose!

Koda said...

Hey butterfly butt! My paws have been very dirty from playing in the mud so mom hasn't let me play with the puter. Anyways I love all these part pics, gonna see if I can get mom to take some for me.