1. Meepie, Lex, and Fargo are all irritated at me. For some reason they don't like my attitude. They are all stupid!
2. I like walking on my Human. Especially when she's in bed. I like using her body as if it's a balancing beam.
3. I prefer to be near my Human than running around with the others in the big field. Sure, I'll run around in it for a while, but I'll go back in the house to be near my Human.

5. I usually don't like in between meal snacks.
6. I sleep on the bed with my Human more than the others. Sometimes Roo Roo does and sometimes Meepie does. Fargo will sleep on the couch with my Human, but he says the bed is too high for him.
7. Although I'm not particularly destructive, I do like stealing the oven mitt if my Human is careless with it. (She usually isn't.)
we like to walk on our mom too, she doesnt seem to like it.
Wow, cool list!
It's nice you can admit how much you love your human (in a round-about sort of way). I love my human too and so does Sam. He loves her so much he is like her shadow and goes wherever she does. He can't handle her being out of his sight!
Joe, humans dislike far too many things!
I dont walk on my humans, I wait until they get into a real deep sleep then I lick them right on their noses and mouths:-)
They go all "in-voluntary", its so funny!
It's always nice to learn new things about our friends.
Woooo Turbo, cool list. Human body balancing is the most fun ever!
I was wondering if it was a coincidence that you listed the cats that live by you as #4 and that you don't like to snack between meals as #5.
Dave, I didn't mean it to be funny, but after I typed it and read it I realized it kind of was. I wondered who would notice.
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