Second of all, Tierre has tagged me to come up with 7 things about me. I need a day or so to think about it.
Third of all, I'm starting to think about who will be my running mate in my Presidential campaign. There's a lot of good dogs out there to consider. It's a ruff decision because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Except maybe Lex. He's not going to be my running mate because he's stupid.
Fourth of all, I don't get what the difference is between a melon and a squash. They are both roundish things that grow on vines. And they both have seeds in them. I think they are the same things, but stupid humans just came up with 2 different words to confuse everydog. I propose that they should be called squelons or melshes.
It is related to the christmas song - Deck the Halls???
Ohh.. a running mate? I would love to help with your campaign!!!
I am new to your blog, I am excited to read that you are running for President, I will definitely vote for you!!
Sitka, you're on the right track. So, I'll go ahead and eat a treat.
Joe, I appreciate you're support!
Tubey...oh well.. I will keep thinking.. but at least you got a treat from my guess!!
Alrught Tubey... How about Deck us all with boston charlie???
Sitka! Yes! More treats for me!
Squelsh sounds like something I'd like to eat every day!!!!
Woo Hoo Tubey! I am always ready to help friends get tasty treats!
Ok, Melons are fruit, and Squash are vegetables. Lots of fruits AND vetetables grow on vines, but are not necessarily the same. They are, however, equally tasty! I wonder if you could cross them to create a squelon, and then you would have your fruit and veggies all in one!
I would like to be considered as your running mate! I would be great at "convincing" people to vote for you cuz I am big, and very bossy, and always get what I want! And, since I just found out that I went from 114 pounds to 122 pounds, I could always sit on anyone who doesn't vote for you!!
Plus, I am a minority here at DWB (female AND only Malamute blogger) so that would show how open minded you are!
Holly, I don't get why a squash is a vegetable and a melon a fruit. I think that's just more stupid human words.
You've raised some good points to support your possible status as my running mate. I'll have to woo about it for a while.
Dear Tubey (my MAN!!!)...For a running mate you need someone with experience, charm, wit, and especially beauty. (ahem? ...er....catch my drift?) Well, think of it this way...you'll garner the small dog vote, the cat vote, the female vote, and maybe a few humans, too. Just think. Tubey and MM on the same ticket. How could you miss?
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