
Thanks to everyone, I made it to 500 blog entries!

Here's some special thanks to those who helped and inspired me in the beginning: Thanks to
Indy, who was the first husky blogger I "met." Thanks to
Meeshka for the inspiration. Thanks to
Bogart for letting me know about Dogs With Blogs. Thanks to
C-Bux and
Opy for everything (and thanks to your humans, too)! Thanks to
Raisa for founding the Husky Bloggers Ring. Thanks to
Ivy and
Freda for your continued friendship and entertainment!
The first time I ever used the word "stupid" was on
02 March, 2006. I've used that word in only 38% of all my blog entries. Surprising, isn't it?
C$ gave me the esteemed Rockin' Dog Blogger award. I agree that everyone deserves it, but I'm specifically going to give it to the "special thanks" dogs above. I don't care if you've received it already, you're getting it again!
My new good friend Marley
tagged me to talk about what will go in my Time Capsule. I want to think about that a bit, so that will come in the future.
I have a lot of pictures to share from my adventure today, but I'll do that in a different entry. Here's a teaser, though...my adventure involves new Cuzes, a doggy bakery, and a charity dog wash.