
I know some of you think that Roo Roo is cute. Well, she does something that I don't find cute AT ALL!!! Here is an example: Roo Roo was poking me in the butt with her snout, then I turned to tell her to stop. Roo Roo shrieked loudly and with a very annoying high pitch. Rooie waited till my Human had turned away to do this. My Human thought that I'd done something awful, so I got yelled at! Roo Roo learned this little trick from Niki, who likes to invite me to play and then she shrieks when I start!
They are both stupid!
I know exactly how you feel! I'll get yelled at for going after Juneau, but what mommy or daddy didn't see was Juneau biting & yanking at me all over while I quietly chew on my bone or toy. When I can't take it any more I put him in his place. He starts squealing loudly even though I'm not hurting him & I get yelled at to back off. Then, he runs behind our humans grinning at me. When they are not looking he starts bothering me again. Doesn't his puppy license expire soon, huh!!
Zim does that to me. Poke, poke, poke, then I finally grab him by his neck and he yelps. And who gets hollered at? Davy. It's just not fair!
Kat got in trouble this morning for using her snout to poke Mom in the butt. Usually it's me getting in trouble for sticking my head up my mom's skirts when she wears them. I was happy to see Kat getting in trouble.
Cosmos & Dave, we all have to put up with so much injustice. When I'm president, I'll be putting a stop to that!
Steve, it's always good when someone else gets in trouble!
Last night I got in trouble for what Canyon did. It's not fair. ANd even more not fair Sky got extra treats because he was with mom and there was NO wayyy her big baby would do anything wrong.....give me a break!
-Kelsey Ann
Roo Roo stupid? I think not. I think she is just outsmarting you. Now you just need to learn how to outsmart HER!
I often get yelled at when I am bossing around some of my siblings. Apparently the stupid humans don't understand it is my job to keep the pack order! But, all I have to do is run over to them and drop and roll over on my back and show my tummy. Then I get tummy rubs and they forget all about being mad at me! See, that's how you have to work it! Turn it around in YOUR favor.
Oh yes, this happens in my house too. Tia will instigate something with me when mom's back is turned. Then she will let out a loud MEOW and I GET yelled at!
I get busted like this all the time, I need my own island or something.
I get in trouble here for everything too. Just cause I get mad when Ray steps on me (so what if he's blind? I don't like being stepped on) and I hoard treats (MY treats, not theirs).
Sounds pretty smart to me! Mean ad evil, but smart!
As gross as it is, I think you need to poke RooRoo in the butt with your snout, then shriek like her crybaby shriek. Eye for an eye!
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