As a Presidential Candidate, I have to go to several events to meet the public. Yesterday I went to the Columbia Second Chance dog wash and allowed members of a Boy Scout Explorer troop to give me a good wash:

I wasn't thrilled, but I cooperated:

They finally finished, but it took me a moment to regain my composure:

Here I am looking heroic, albeit still wet:

In this picture I'm advising my chauffeur were to go next:

Humans like it when candidates stop by their store and make purchases. My Human got me a white Good Cuz and some treats. Because I'm so benevolent I had her buy 6 Jurassic Barks so I could share. Jurassic Barks are a treat that is chicken liver flavored. They are very good.

I allowed my Human to bring home a pizza for herself:

At home, I helped unpack the purchases:

I decided to let the others share my new and old Cuzes. Wisely Fargo and Niki declined the offer, but Roo Roo, Meepie, and Lex were stupid and played with them.

Wow, Turbo, looks like you had a good but busy day. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to end when I saw the bath pictures but it's good that you made your human buy you some treats to make up for the bath! Keep up the good work campaigning.
-Kelsey Ann
The bath pictures were SCARY, Tubey! Are you OK? Baths are EVIL! I never would have thought little bipeds would do something like that to us. You do look very fluffy and handsome, though.
My mom is going to email your mom something.
Oh, Tubey, you certainly deserved that new Cuz & those treats after having to get a bath in front of potential voters! Our mom bathed us earlier this week when it was so hot. Don't tell her, but the cool water felt kind of good. We got her back by blowing coat all over the house this week tho - hee hee!
Good work campaigning, Tubey. Everyone will vote for you now that they know you are willing to brave a bath for your public.
Sorry, that was me, Magnum. My stupid papa forgot to sign off Google so I could blog.
Did you have a busy day? And you went to the doggie grocery? How cool.
The "heroic" picture of you after your bath. Ohhhhhhh, I love it, I wish I was older. You are so handsome. A young teenage pup can only dream.......
I hope you scored alot of votes with your cuteness!!! Wow, that is alot of cuzes on your bed! The white one is cute!
Hi everyone. The bath was for a good cause so I didn't mind it as much as I would have if it had happened at home!
The bath part must have been pretty bad, but all the attention was worth it I'm sure!! And, now you are even fluffier!
How nice of your human to buy you treats and a new Cuz after putting you through all tht too!!
Those are great pics!
that day seemed pretty perfect except for the stupid bath part. any day where you get new cuz is a good day though
oh wow...looks like you had a great day...the pizza the cuz and the chauffeur....
i suppose you can say the horrendous bath was worth it!!! :D
Wow, you let people who didn't know you bathe you? You're really making sacrifices to be president. At least it ended well with a new toy and some treats!
Turbo, I know in the past you have mentioned having seizures. My dad's coworker has a dog that had a seizure last night and she is looking for any useful information that she can read. Do you have any useful links to anything dog related seizure info that you could send my way and I can pass it on to her? Of course she is going to ttake the dog to the vet, but this is new and she knows nothing about it. Thanks for the help!
Hi Turbo,
You did what any good campaigning Sibe would do - mingle with the little people/humans & even let them bathe you. Need to be clean while on the campaign trail expecially riding around in your limo, woo-he-he!
Everyone, baths are stupid. There is no denying that!
Ender, I'll look up info to share with you. Could you send your e-mail address to me at turbosibe AT
You got bathed... you're standing in what appears to be an open field without a leash or collar on... AND YOU DIDN'T RUN?
ooooh, what is this world coming to when a husky has freedom and does not send a league of boy scouts and humans chasing after them.
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