TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Thursday, September 06, 2007



My good friends Star and Jack requested that I take some of the Russian words my Human wasn't using and put them here so that their human can make pictures and teach human puppies something.

A long time ago, my Human studied Russian. Then she studied Ukrainian. She also studied German, Modern Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Bahasa Malaysia. My Human's stupid, though 'cause she can't speak Sibe or Dog at all! (By the way, the title of this post is "woooo" in Russian.)

i = like the ea sound in scream

e = eh (like what humans say when they can't hear something)

Звезда (zvezda) Star

ДЖак (Dzak) Jack

карандаши (karandashi) pencils

книги (knigi) books

учитель (oochitel) teacher

тигр (tigr) tiger

ковбой (kovboy) cowboy

мальчик (malchik) boy

девушка (devooshka) girl

глупость (gloopost) stupidity

собака (sobaka) dog

кот (kot) cat

My Human had to memorize a stupid poem in her Russian class. The guy who wrote the book believed that the weirder the vocabulary, the easier it was to memorize. That's true, however my Human seldom has to talk about talking cockroaches in Russian.

Below is my Human's favorite poem:

Между стулом и столом
Режет Женя нос с ножом,
Перед братом и отсом.
Это очень странный дом

Roughly translated this is:

Between the chair and the table
Zhenya is cutting his nose with a knife,
In front of his brother and father.
This is a very strange house.

My Human is очень странный also!!!


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, that is some really confusing language! Their letters don't even LOOK like letters. In fact, some of them are NUMBERS!!

I can't believe that your human can read/speak all those languages, but can't speak dog!!

That just proves how much smarter we are than they are!


Joe Stains said...

I think I need a decoder ring for this post!!

Tierre Williams said...

In English: Hey, Turbo. Today is the first anniversary of my blog!

In Spanish: Hola, Turbo. Hoy es el primer aniversario de mi blog!

The Army of Four said...

Hey Tubey: Holly's comment explains why our last name is spelled like it is! When Dad's parents got here from Ukraine, they didn't know how to spell it in our alphabet!
Yesterday was our 1-year blogaversary! Thank you for the inspiration and all the help you've given us along the way! Oh... following Tierre's example, in Siberian: Woooooooooo!

Marley said...

WOAH - Russian is weird! It has pictures and numbers as letters! I think that is extra stupid, because if we Sibes went to Russia and ran into some Sibes who lived over there, we'd all be able to understand eachother. Humans, patooey!

My mom really likes that psychotic poem, by the way.


Jake of Florida said...

Wow, my Mom studied Russian in college too. She'd write a few words but hasn't figured out how to change to a Russian keyboard.

Anyway, hi, we're rallying DOG POWER for the Cardinals as they play their last games -- so, if you're a fan -- come visit our blog. Come anyway to say Zdrastvie. Xorosho?

Jake and Just Harry, the Barkalot Boyz

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow, Turbo, you're so smart to know Russian!
