
Hey! How's everyone's weather? Ours is starting to be fantastic. We woke up this morning and the temperature was below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Wooooooooooooo! A while ago my good friend Bama nudged me to come up with my theme song. I'm still working on that. My Human frequently sings songs substituting words with our names (such as "Meepie Crack Corn).
our weather is finally getting awesome too, we can go for walkies without burning our feet!
tee hee! my peepol sing silly songs wif my name in them. and wen i say 'my peepol' i reelly mean my randy cuz he is silly enuf to make up ivy songs while lindsay is laffing too hard to sing along.
oh by the way i luv your ever-so-close-up eyes picktures on this entry. they are so cool!
Hi Turbey!
Unfortunately Summer time is closer and closer... and this weeke we already had a 33 degrees celcius down here! I must agree with my Mum: I HATE HOT WEATHER! Humans get a funny smell when it is too hot, don't you agree?
Oh great, thanks. the human woman constantly sings that "cracked corn" song all the time lately. Something about hating her job and not caring, but she gets to the part about Jimmy cracking the corn and someone not caring and then she starts to wonder (aloud, as if we care) about why Jimmy is cracking the corn, and why the person singing doesn't care, and since the "master" has gone away, she can only assume that it is sung by a dog, and if that's the case, why would a dog be singing about someone cracking corn... all of which is annoying and we don't care.
(I don't like corn, it comes out in my poo and that's annoying... ooh, maybe its actually Jimmy pood corn..."
It's below 90 here! Yeah!
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