
I thought you may like to see how I'm getting to the places I'm campaigning in. There is room for all of you on the Turbo Express.
All aboard!
It goes without saying that the Turbo Express serves lots of treats, including, steak, cheese, and bacon.
I expect to do well in the Michigan Primary for a bunch of reasons. It's a northern state and I'm a northern breed, for just 1.
What's the weather forecast for Michigan tomorrow? Cool with a 100% chance of Turbo victory!
I am reminded of
a post I did back on September 6, 2006. The words of the fight song of Portage Northern High School in Portage, Michigan are still inspiring!
Go Portage Northern,
go you Huskies go
We are ever loyal,
as we go to meet the foe
Rah Rah Rah!
Win Northern Huskies,
victory is our aim
Go brown and white team,
show them our fight team
We are going to win this game