This weeked I am paying homage to the Huskies of Centennial High in Corona, California.
This message for huskies was on their daily bulletin:
Hey Huskies! Centennial Annual Talent Show is this Friday! We have some great acts this year so invite everyone you know. All are welcome! $3 pre-sale w/ASB & $8 without. At the door, $4 w/ASB & $8 w/o. Doors open at 6. Show starts at 6:30. See you there!
But sadly I think we've missed our opportunity as I think it was to be held on January 11, 2008.
I also found the husky logo below. I will admit that it scares me!

Ha-woo. That's a scary logo indeed.
Darn - we khould have made it a khampaign rally for woo!
I'm with Togo - one of 'em is pretty scary -
I want to - PUMP YOU - up!
Wags and Wuv,
Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08
That's just plain freaky!
Play bows,
That's just disturbing!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
That second picture looks like the unnatural child of a husky who mated with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. We love the idea of a husky talent show, though. Does stealing cat food and chewing on furniture count as a talent?
Hey, Turbo, just stopped by to say hi! I came here from Sasha's blog.
The first logo does look a lot like you.
The second is gross misrepresentation of your breed.
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