Thanks go out to Meeshka for this cartoon. Here's the story: Last weekend my Human was delivering our supper to us. Meepie and I were continuing our ongoing argument over who was the loudest. Meeps then caused my Human to trip. My Human flailed around and ended up smashing her cheek against the speaker. Fortunately, she did not spill our supper.
Of course I did very well in yesterday's Wyoming caucus. My appeal to the humans where was that I promised that many types of dog food would continue to be shaped like their fine state.
Clearly your Mom is quite talented and has perfect balance. Not just anyone could have performed that stunt you know.
Great job by your biped! Did you guys hold up score cards? We'd give her a "10"!
Play bows,
I'm with Zim - pretty dandy degree of diffikhultie too!
Khongrats on yet ANOTHER vikhtory - brilliant takhtikh!!
Keep up the good work AND keep that human of yours on her toes and NOT on her tush!!!
PeeEss: Big TANK WOO to Meeskha fur the BRILLIANT artist's rendition of the event!
She knew what was important, your dinner, and sacrificed her head to keep from spilling it, and therefore making you wait for her to fix it all over. And besides, she's already stupid, what damage could she have REALLY done to her brain?
I am laughing my furry butt off!! I think woo mom needs to take some ballet lessons to work on her balance issues!
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