The weather this weekend was nice a cold--in the 30's (Fahrenheit). But my stupid Human didn't go outside and enjoy it! We didn't have snow like somepups did, though.
Our neighbor cows have been staring at us and mooing all weekend. I don't know what's up with that!
Here is a picture of Fargo relaxing:

If you can't be outside playing than having a nap on the couch is the next best thing.
Yet ANOTHER thing for you to add to the list: khanines MUST be allowed out whenever they want -
Sorry you khouldn't khonvince your human otherwise THIS time!
PeeEss: A nap sounds good about now!
Fargo's back legs look cramped. Does he need a bigger couch?
Tail wags,
Hawoo, what a pose, Fargo!
We did a lot of relaxing & taking it easy ourselves over the weekend. Hafta do that frum time to time!
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Fargo looks very comfy there! Hummm I wonder what the cows are trying to tell you.
Looks quite comfy. Samuel often sleeps light that.
It is 96 degrees here right now!
Cows are very odd critters. I don't know why but whenever I see one I have this uncontrolable urge for a cheeseburger.
Ha, Fargo looks pretty cozy! That's a pretty odd position he's in, though.
Not only are the humans stupid, they're also wimps. 30 degrees is warm!!!!!!!!!!
Wiley & Fievel
I meant to ask earlier - if Newton's Laws of Physikhs and Figs were in effekht here: A Fargo at rest stays at rest?
Ummm...that doesn't look very comfy at all!
WOo woo, Kelsey Ann
Hi from down Highway 70!!!
That's a cool pose of Fargo chilling out :-)
Fargo looks very laid back.. is he a rastafarian?
Moo-ong.. can't you just outlaw that!
Ben xxx
Fargo is a couch "puppy." That is so cool. Cooper
Oh dear! The cows have been staring at you? That is a sure sign of a cow cult uprising in progress! Hide!
Jemima Jones Beck
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