TURBO NEWS NETWORK: Take time to stop and smell the bacon . . . . . . . . .

Monday, April 07, 2008

A Friend...


A friend is someone who doesn't move when you just need to lick him. Even if he isn't thrilled.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Now to get THAT on a t-shirt!


The Army of Four said...

Fargo is SUCH a good brother to you, Tubey! And you're both so HANDSOME!

Thor said...

Aaaawwwww...that is a t-shirt slogan if ever I've seen one!


Khady Lynn said...

How sweet! It's nice that Fargo was there for you when you needed a friend! I agree with the others, a definite T-shirt photo and slogan there, but we need your whole face!!!


Deefor said...

Hi Turbo
Thanks for visiting me. I'm a licker too. I like that for a t-shirt too even though I always walk around naked.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dog! This is very cute, I must say!

Jill Bryant said...

Investigated Turbo's background thoroughly and I just wanted to say - he's got the Honey vote!

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I think American Eskimos and Huskies are in the same extended dog family. It is nice to see I have such ahndsome relatives!

Siku, White Dog Diary

L said...

What a great picture - and caption! Comet must not be a very good friend, because he always runs away when I lick him.

BenTheRotti said...

That picture just sent Mum into coo overdrive. She should be coo-ing over me!!... but nooooo.. you guys stole my thunder lol

Ben xxx

The Zoo Crew said...

what a great slogan to go with an even better photo!!!


NorthernBreedsLover said...

Woo-Woo Turbo and house mates!

We love reading your daily blog; very funny and clever too. I think it's great that your human let's you use the computer for your blogging and your Photoshop skills are exceptional. While you are online next time, maybe you could check out our Husky rescue website - www.huskyra.org. We are a group of dedicated volunteers who love huskies and other northern breeds. Maybe you could be our online mascot, we would love it if you could be, as after all you are famous!

Husky Hugz,
Craig & Annette

Jack & Moo said...

Hu-mom: "Awwwww!"
Jack: "SOME puppies don't like to be licked."
Star: "I hate when that happens."

Star & Jack "gimme a kiss" a-roo

Emma said...

Thanks for the "mwah!"

Here's a big sloppy wet one back atcha!

Emma the PWD

The Daily Echo said...

Oh that's fantastic! Mom's now humming "You've Got A Friend". That picture belongs on coffee mugs, mousepads, tshirts....and everything in between!

Hammer said...

Hi Turbo
This is a beautiful photo.
Love from Hammer

Kapp pack said...

Very cute!

Woo woo, KA

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Thank woo everyone for the compliments!