There is nothing better than a new Cuz. My Human got wound up about the 90201 tunes and the vegemite, but I don't care about that. I only care about the Cuz. I am angry with my stupid Human, however, for not coming home immediately with the Cuz.
Much love C$, Opy, Greg, & Brooke!

Hey Turbo sorry for being rude but whats a cuz.
Like your pics, hoep you had a grrrr weekend.
lots of licks
Are cuzzes good for cats? Are they as good as my mouses? I hope you liked the vegemite! Salvador likes to eat it on toast. He is weird.
Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat
Nothing says presidential like a Tubey with a new khuz!
I'm kinda thinking woo liked playing with it too!
Turbo...I think you are supposed to take the cardboard off the CUZ first...but then what do I know???
Asta Marie, WFT
You look so happy with your new cuz. It's great to see you finding some time for recreation during a busy campaign season. I bet you'd like the vegemite, too.
Oh, Tubey! You look SO handsome with your new Cuz! I hope you can unwind a bit before you head back out on the campaign trail!
Turbo!! Vegemite in a tube?? We've never seen one! Our dad is looking for a marmite in a tube or squeezable one! It's hard to get it in a jar! :)
Momo & Pinot
omdog, you couldn't even wait to get the tag off, I'd be the same way! Did you get a taste of the vegemite?
Hi Turbo!
Wow!! We heard that cuz's are pawsome toys! We should go tell our humans to buy one fur us!!
And thank you fur coming by our blog to wish Kena a happy barkday! How nice of you! :D
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
You got a cuz, too?! Man, it's drivin' me crazy, everydog has a cuz but me! I have to get my human to buy me one...
Hey Buddy!
Glad the package arrived in one piece - we were worried that customs might hold it up cos of the vegemite.
Show that cuz who's boss ok!
Looks like you are breaking the kong in well!
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
You're doing a great job on that cuz!
- Charlie
Oh Tubey!!! More Cuz's!!!!! That was so nice of Opy and Charlie's mom and dad!!! Now, all you need is to keep your stupid human woman from locking them up in the closet!!!!
It sure shows how much you love them!!!
What's with the Vegemite stuff?? How come we can't get that here?
Hi Turbo
Just popping in to say Hi.
Molly and Taffy
Harrrrr Turbo
did you eat a vegemite sandwich Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
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