We had a lot of fun at home this evening. Here's a picture of 4 of us.

Maybe you were wondering where Misha was. He was playing hide & Meep:

Roo Roo is a lot of fun to chase:

Meepie and Fargo looked for something:

Then Lex and Fargo looked for something else:

Rooie ran towards the camera:

I ran away from the camera:

I ended my romp with a quick trip to the pool:

w00f's Turbo and all...cute butt shot of u turbo..hmmm now what iffin sumdog blackmails u wiff that pictur when u gits to b pressiedent..
b safe,
looks like a lot of fun, except the pool part, I hate pools!
That looks like so much fun! That's a real nice pose of you in the pool there. :-)
Oh it looks like you had so much fun. No-one plays with me. Except dad.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hey -
That bummi shot of yours looks like sweet little Khornelia Marie's from yesterday's pikhs!
Too bad woo missed the swim trials in Omaha last weekend!!
Nice shots of all of woo!!!
Dr. Turbo-08
Woo Unkey Tubey, there is a resemblance between you and Cornelia Marie. Not odd at all, seeing as you are related.
Woof, Turbo
Or is it Hail to the Chief? Do you have a secret service detail yet? Does the White House have a doggie door? These are important questions that your supporters want answers too.
I see that Cornelia Marie takes pointers from you, Turbo, in the butt shots. She loves her uncle!
Wow, what a great time you all had! Cute fluffy butt there Tubey!! I can tell you and Cornelia Marie are related!
Oh it looks like fun especially the pool
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