The Sibertarian Pawty will be holding our political convention this upcoming week. Our philosophy is to not be irritating, so we will not be interrupting your television programming. And of course our speeches will be short. And we will have cheese & bacon!
I have my khrakhk team of writers pawing away at it now -
I was soooo pee'ode - I was gonna use the hokhkey mom line too -
Stoopid humans stole my material AGAIN!
VP2B Turbo-08
We're Just Sayin'
That's how you have to make the parties! Not like humans, that pay ads on TV so we can0't see our favorite programs, or just bring wine. My friend, I totally swear that if you still doing that everyone'll vote for you!
Kayla and Maebe
We are primed and ready!!!
You have electronic voting over there don't you? I must learn how to do that before the election.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hey T-Wolf,
Well, your counter on the Turb-08 homepage says its less than 60 days to go. So let me know if DWB can be of use to you and Khyra in your campaign, and dad would be happy to update/modify your campaign homepage with any required requirements you may require Σ:o)
Love the Turb08 web page, very informative! Go Turbo! Put an end to stupidity.
I do have a question for your human though Turbo....I contacted you about my Husky Rescue before and we talked photoshop. If poss could you contact me again please? Thanks.
I wish the other parties would follow your example.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Cheese AND bacon?
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