Do you have a human whose idea of cooking is driving a car through a drive-through lane of a fast food restaurant? Or do you have a human who fancies himself/herself as the next Stephanie Izard or even the next Stephen Asprinio?
Well, what you obviously need to do is buy your human a cookbook. Especially one that will benefit dogs. I have a fine suggestion for you:

So, if you want to get one for your human, CLICK HERE!
Mum says she already has way too many cookbooks and doesn't have room for another one. I disagree.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Yummy items WE khan't have...
Pawhaps we should use some of the recipes for our vikhtory bash pawty!
VP2B Khyra
Mom never cooks - what are we to do? We think we definitely need this cookbook!
Thor and Marco Polo
You had us at Stephanie Izard. And swirled apple bread? Be still our beating hearts!
I heard that there are some grreat treats for us Sibes in that cookbook...Yum! Woo Woo's all 'round!
I am going to sign up for one now!
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