The humans of our country are having problems with their money. They have made all sorts of stupid decisions that have caused financial institutions to be in a world of hurt.
I have a small story about my Human's part of not knowing the value of a dollar.
Over the weekend, one of my canine room mates chewed up a dollar bill. My Human found some of it on the bed and the floor.
Today she found some more of it in some poop outside.
But she didn't try to salvage it!
They must pay well in Misery!
PeeEssWoo: I'm making a khampaign appearance this Saturday in Warminster, Pawslyvania - woo are welkhome to attend!
Mum never checks my poop. Does that mean I am neglected?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
WHAT????? She didn't try to tape it back together? My human did that, but it was a $5, and was mostly whole. Samuel ate it. She accidently saw it in the poop in the yard when she was mowing.
Hasn't she heard about the multiplying effect of a dollar as it passes through the "economic" system.
Human just can't help it - they are so dependent on us! I'm so glad we are doggies!
Thor and Marco Polo
What?! Salvaging is an important part of financial solvency!
The higher the dollar amount that is swallowed, the more closely the humans monitor the poop.
misty's law of money
Misty the alpha Poodle
That sure is expensive toilet paper!
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