So we had a lot of rain last weekend from that stupid Ike hurricane. My crate room had water in it. And then the water came into the living room and got the carpet about 25% wet. My Human used a carpet shampooer/extractor to suck the water out, but it was still wet. So then my Human decided to bring home an industrial blower to make the carpet get dryer. It's stupid, but so's wet carpet.
I'm relieved to see woo khan't walk on it -
That would not have ended well -
I'll be spreading our message on Saturday -
I so wish you khould be there!
VP2B Khyra
WOO Turbo, that's too much wet. Wet carpets are stinky too. Ick. Hope ya'll dry out soon.
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Wet carpet is STINKY! It's good that your human brought home the big dryer so you can all be dry again.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
If the hurricaine came in as snow, you'd be set. Sorry to hear about your stinky wet carpet :(
That totally sucks :( sorry dude.
We know all about wet carpets here at our place too. Too much stinkin' rain lately. Hope the blower dried things up.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
awww that sucks Turbo buddy, hope you managed to get all dried out and it won't happen again!
A little birdie told me that a pup i have wrote about on my blog shares a name with your human! Apparently the pup was named after the marines favourite actress (or something along those lines) or maybe thats just a cover and she was actually named after your Mom!!
Ben xxxx
Ick, wet carpet. We hope the wet vac fixed the problem. We're sorry to hear that the hurricane hit your area. We hope you are all okay (including your house).
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