Today I watched a TV show that had a lot of promise. At first I excited because I thought it would be about a group of mules or donkeys. The show was called:
But then I was disappointed because the show was about humans. Hee Haw, as it turned out, was about these humans who lived in a ficticious rural place called Kornfield Kounty.
But I gotta tell you that the show was really great. I think, if fact, it was about the place my Human grew up in. The episode was filmed in 1969, so she would have been 3 or so at the time. I didn't see her in the episode, however.
So why do I think this show was great? Because the humans were so stupid. Incredibly stupid in fact. It was nice seeing humans in their natural habitat.
There were a lot of stupid jokes and singing on the show. Not nearly enough dogs, however. I saw only one dog, a Bloodhound named Kingfish the Wonder Dog. He seemed to be snoozing. Nice work! What a thespian.
There was one song that I liked a lot, however. It was a very sad song that could have been sung everyday by dogs when their humans drive off to wherever they go:
Where, oh where are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over and I thought I found true love.
You met another and pfft you was gone.