My room mate, Aurora "Roo Roo" Borealis agreed to answer my query of what she thinks the most stupid thing about Humans is. She would only do this if I showed you some pictures of her. She didn't want anyone to forget how hot she is.
Anywoo, here is her #1 reason that humans are stupid:
Because English speaking humans have co-opted the word "bitch" to be a negative insult of female humans.

Roo roo'd like a wise female!
Grrrrreat job!
So many reasons to choose from since hoomans really are pretty freakin' stoopid these days!
PeeEssWoo: And woo truly are one hot bitch!
Woo Woo and HaRoooooooo!
Wooderful job der!
Dey may be stoopid but can't complain. I's gots a nice warm bed and food. Lots of cookies!!!!!!
Husky kisses,
Looks like Aurora had such fun in the mud!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hey, Aurora, you are our kind of Sibe all covered in mud!
Roo roo is very clever. Of course, Mom thinks being called a bitch is a good thing. Maybe you need to know our mom ...
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Were you at a day spa having a mud mask RooRoo?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Yeah, I've always wondered why the word bitch is a bad word? I mean, I'm a bitch! So is that a bad thing or a good thing?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
From one bitch to another, RIGHT ON, Roo roo!
PeeEss (My humom calls me "Star-roo-roo girl", maybe we're sister sibes?)
I agree!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Seems to me I've heard Shadow and Shyla commenting about that.
You go girl!
Butt wiggles, Meadow
Hmmm. My mom would be very unhappy with me if I came back in the house all muddy. I know, because I did that yesterday :) In fact, I was also dragging a soggy, muddy stick with me to play with. I worked really hard to dig it up out of the muddy ground.
Looks like you had fun, tho.
Nice website!
Behr Behr :)
That is one beautiful dog!
Dog Food Secrets
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