It's a great day. It's...

Yes, it has been 3 years. I've appreciated all of the love and support of all of you through these years.
I thought I'd do a little synopsis of what I've done during these years:
My first blog entry was February 28, 2006.
The first time I called something "stupid" was on March 2, 2006.
We had a record amount of snow on December 1, 2006.
Dr. Meepenstein's medical practice expanded on December 28, 2006.
I announced that I would be running for President on January 23, 2007.
My first Presidential Primary victory was on January 9, 2008.
On February 23, 2008 I began my trip to Switzerland to discover what had happened to the cheese that was missing from the holes in Swiss cheese.
March 2, 2008: TurboVision quest begins.
I had a khampaign stop at the Pottsville, PA Sonic on March 27, 2008.
I became Dr. H.A. Turbofire on May 18, 2008.
I made the announcement of who my running mate would be on August 23, 2008.
The Sibertarian Khonvention began on September 5, 2008.
On November 1, 2008, my historic and award winning debate with the stupid D. Animal occurred.
Election Day was on November 4, 2008, but sadly dogs were turned away from the polls.
I promise you that my blog will have showcase my adventures in the year to come.
But first, a picture of me: