I just realized as I was posting this, that this post is #900.
So, my Human is on vacation this week. So far what that means is that she's watching a lot of HGTV, cleaning, and complaining.
Last night some stupid storms were blowing into our area. There was some of that stupid lightning stuff. Lex gets freaked out by it. So I yelled at him. And then my Human stuck me in my box. She let me out and I yelled at Lex again. Thus, I had to go back in the box.
My Human didn't fall asleep till 4am. But it didn't matter to me. I still got plenty of sleep. I don't think there is any cause and effect between me and her lack of sleep. But when I was in my box, she kicked everyone else out of the bedroom and shut the door. We all sang a sad Siberian song about that.

It's been rather warm lately. So the stupid spring peeper frogs have been making a lot of noise. Lex hates those frogs. He's been hiding in my Human's bedroom. I yell at him about that, too. And then I have to go in my box.
Last weekend my Human went to a dog show. She got to meet a Siberian Husky and an Afghan Hound both named Pearl. And she got to meet a Bassett Hound named Gotcha.
After the dog show, my Human brought her workplace assistant to meet us. She was great because she let us jump all over her.