To my Human:
Just because we woke you up at 3:45am does not mean that we wanted you to stay up. Please stop watching the Golden Girls and go to sleep!

[A closing note from me: I've decided to reintroduce my stupidity index at the top of the blog. I'll updated it whenever the mood strikes me.]
Humans have no idea sometimes.
Huffle Mawson
And they wonder why things in the world are sooooo furry khrazy?
What is Fargo doing?
Play bows,
Our favorite game is to wake them up at that time like we really have to go out, but then take their pillow and curl up. Try it!
Next time, tell your human to call my human, who is apparently still on Ireland time and waking up at 3:00 a.m. every morning. How is a dog supposed to sleep when she's wandering around?
...or Murder She Wrote...
Humans don't seem to realize how important the time that they are asleep is to us.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Woo may need to get her up early & keep her up late a few nights in a row to reset her rhythm. It's cause humans can't leave well enough alone, & change their stupid clocks all the time.
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Thank you for bein' a friend...
How inconsiderate of her - next time she is asleep just start a howl fest!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey, Tubey, my man. We need some help. Me and my very good friend Madison met a lost Husky-type named "Wyatt". He hangs out at our stylist's place. He's chipped but the phone number that goes to the chip is disconnected. My mom is doing her investigator stuff but can't find the lady whose name goes with the chip. Where else can we look? Wyatt is light golden blonde/beige with white paws. He's very well behaved. He just can't find his family.
Thanks, Tubey. Love ya...
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
PS - He was found in San Diego county wandering in the hills around the Valley View Casino.
Let sleeping does sleep...
Solid Gold Dancer
Reminds me of the old saying. Let sleeping dogs lie :)
When you gotta go, you hafta go! But nite time is for sleepin, not watchin tv! Yur mommy shuld no that!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
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